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  • Mode Network: The On-Chain Cooperative

Mode Network: The On-Chain Cooperative

Collaboratively Redirect Value Accrual to The Protocol and Users

Mode Network Quick Bites

  • The crypto space is mainly driven by a competitive mindset and lacks collaboration. The industry's cannibalistic mentality is fueled by capital outflows and a lack of new capital inflows.

  • Mode Network is an Ethereum L2 solution designed to enhance on-chain cooperation. As the network expands, it benefits its users and developers. One of its standout features is the contract revenue-sharing incentives, motivating users and applications to collaborate.

  • The On-Chain Cooperative Model offered by Mode Network could revitalize and restore the collaborative spirit within the cryptocurrency community.

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The State of Current Blockchain and Mode Network

Blockchain Ecosystem is PvP

  • The Fat Protocol Thesis suggests that blockchain ecosystems prioritize the value accrual on the blockchain itself over the applications layer.

  • This is because the fees generated by blockchain transactions are usually higher than the fees generated by decentralized applications (Dapps), indicating a higher value placed on the blockchain. As a result of this imbalance, there is an excess of blockchain chains but a shortage of successful Dapps.

  • This condition made crypto space primarily driven by a competitive mentality, lacking collaboration. Capital outflows and a lack of new capital inflows contribute to this cannibalistic mindset within the industry.

  • When the protocol becomes “fat”, it promotes laziness and greed. A protocol should be efficient and focused on growth, while the ecosystem should be flourishing with active participants and creators. This way, it can be a fruitful garden built on cooperation and collaboration.

State of Blockchain

Mode Network

  • Mode Network is an Ethereum L2 solution designed to enhance on-chain cooperation. As the network expands, it benefits its users and developers.

  • Mode brings people together to cooperate. To work towards a common goal, be part of something and get rewarded for their contribution.

  • The On-Chain Cooperative is the fundamental philosophy of Mode Network, crucial for achieving their mission:

    • Cooperative Game Theory

    • Sequencer Fee Sharing (SFS) at the protocol layer

    • Build on top of Optimism Bedrock

  • Mode is designed to provide contract revenue-sharing incentives at the protocol layer. The goal is for applications and users that scale the Mode blockchain to collaborate and receive a share of network sequencer profits directly.

How On-Chain Cooperative Works?

How Organic On-Chain Cooperation Works

Everyone’s Contribution Matter

  • Mode's Sequencer Fee Sharing (SFS) allows developers to register their contracts and earn a portion of Mode's sequencer revenue. This is based on the transaction fees of the smart contracts they deploy.

  • Users can refer other users to Mode Network. When a referred user joins Mode, the referrer will receive a portion of SFS based on the transaction fees generated by the referred user.

  • When more people start using Mode, it will set off a positive cycle. With an increasing number of users, there will be a greater availability of liquidity, resulting in developers being motivated to create top-notch and innovative products. Developers will not only earn revenue from their protocol but also from sequencing fees.

  • At the infrastructure level, this will also help relieve the network burden on the Ethereum mainnet.

Project Built on Mode Network

  • The cooperative incentives model of Mode Network is commendable as it has successfully brought on board several well-known protocols to build and support the network. Here is a shortlist of the protocols, and we anticipate the addition of more in the future:

    • Thirdweb - web3 app builder

    • HyperLane - Permissionless interoperability layer

    • Pyth - First party oracle network

    • Aori - Orderbook protocol

    • Spindl - Attribution tools for Web3

    • Kado - On/off ramp platform

    • Biconomy - FWeb3 development and transaction infrastructure platform

    • Tally - Complete DAO Tools

    • Covalent - Blockchain data and unified API providers

    • Snapshot - DAO voting tools

    • Blockscout - Open source tool to explore and analyze on-chain transactions

    • Galxe - Platform to build and grow Web3 community

    • Connext - Cross-chain development platform

    • Mode Domains - name services for Mode Network

    • Jokerace - Community platform and contest/ task creator for web3

    • Metamask - Web3 Wallet

    • Goldsky - Web3 realtime data provider

    • Kizuna - community-driven DEX in Mode

Avalanche Evergreen and Vista

Collaboration is The Key

  • Mode Network is in the early stages, but it has some interesting propositions with a theoretically sustainable and rewarding model. It will be great to witness their future development.

  • The On-Chain Cooperative Model offered by Mode Network could revitalize and restore the collaborative spirit within the cryptocurrency community.

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